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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

5 Must Haves When Taking Your Dog to Work

More and more workplaces are allowing our four legged friends to join us at the office or in our cubicles. The dog friendly workplace helps boost morale and can make the office a happier place. Clients and employees enjoy being greeted by our friends. The following are five must haves when taking your dog to work. Get ready to pack your bag!

1. Make sure you bring comfortable bedding like a bed or blankets from home. This will ensure they have a place to rest and calm down from all the excitement. Plus, they will have something familiar from home and a safe place to call their own.

2. Bring lots of treats with you for your dog and his/her friends at the workplace. A small container full of soft yummy treats will make you the hit of the office. Remember to reward good behavior and not the bad.

3. Food and water are the basic essentials to bring with you. Usually, there is water available so remember to bring a bowl. Food can be more creative by freezing rice and meat mixture with some soft canned food in an over sized Kong toy. This will make feeding time fun and keep your dog busy while you complete that next task.

4. Remember to bring leashes with you both long and short. Depending where you work a fun romp outside on a long leash is a nice time to get some exercise. If needed, you can put your dog on the long leash to keep them next to you in your cubicle. A short leash can be used to go to and from meetings or between buildings.  

5. Toys will complete this list and create some play time with you and your dog. Tug toys, chew bones, balls, and Kong's work well in the office space. Usually, if you bring a small basket it can serve as a toy repository and at the end of the day you have a place to put the collected toys if you do not plan on taking them home.

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